Which is better? Do you need both? When should you use one or the other? In the category of dual-action orbital tools, two sub-categories exist; gear-driven and random orbital,
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C.O.R.E. Series Webinar | GEAR DRIVEN VS. RANDOM ORBITAL 22 September 2020Вебинар серии C.O.R.E. | Все о новой вращательно-орбитальной серии полировальных продуктов 1 June 2020Среда, 17 июня в 14:00 (Mск. времени) Больше, чем красивая упаковка! Полировальные пасты используют лучшие достижения в абразивной технологии, разработки, тесты, улучшения, они полностью смешаны и упакованы в RUPES в
C.O.R.E. Series Webinar | El Nuevo Sistema de Pulido BigFoot Serie D-A 1 June 2020¡Más que un bonito emboltorio! Utilizamos los últimos avances en tecnología abrasiva, desarrollados, probados, refinados, mezclados y empacados 100% internamente por RUPES en Italia, nuestras nuevas fórmulas de compuesto y
C.O.R.E. Series Webinar | The All-New RUPES BigFoot D-A Polishing System 1 June 2020More than just pretty packaging! Using the latest breakthroughs in abrasive technology, developed, tested, refined, blended, and packaged 100% in-house by RUPES in Italy, our all-new compound and polish formulas
C.O.R.E. Series Webinar | “Maledette Schivature!” 4 May 2020Continua la serie di incontri di RUPES sulle tecniche di rimozione dei difetti di verniciatura. In questo Webinar, Fabrizio Gagliardi (Training Manager RUPES), Carlo Genoli e Ginevra Canu (Application
C.O.R.E. Series Webinar | “Maledetti Sporchini!” 17 April 2020WEBINAR in italiano: “Maledetti Sporchini!” Mercoledì 29 aprile alle ore 15:00 In questo Webinar, Fabrizio Gagliardi (Training Manager RUPES), Carlo Genoli e Ginevra Canu (Application Engineer RUPES) iniziano una serie
C.O.R.E. Series Webinar | Bienvenidos al Mundo Rupes 14 April 2020SEMINARIO WEB BIENVENIDOS AL MUNDO RUPES Fabrizio Gagliardi, responsable de formación, y Arturo Porto Arca, responsable comercial de Rupes por Espana y Latino America, en colaboracion con los formadores de
C.O.R.E. Series Webinar | BigFoot Renovation 14 April 2020BUILDING FACADE RENOVATION Opportunities in Non-Automotive BigFoot Applications Tuesday, April 21st, 5:00 pm (Milan time) Surface correction isn’t limited to just vehicles! There are many opportunities for polishing commercial and
C.O.R.E. Series Webinar: Q&A LIVE 27 March 2020C.O.R.E. Series Webinar: RUPES ANSWERS YOUR POLISHING QUESTIONS LIVE! Thursday, April 2nd, at 3:30 pm (Milan time) Join the RUPES Global and Technical Training Team for a roundtable discussion of
Webinaire en Français | Produits All-In-One et UNO Protect 17 March 2020La catégorie des produits « All-in-One » ou « tout-en-un » peut être déroutante en raison des nombreuses fausses idées et des produits mal identifiés dans le segment. Dans cette
Seminario Web en español | Productos all-in-one y UNO Protect 17 March 2020La categorìa de productos “one-step” o “all-in-one” es a menudo una fuente de confusiòn debido a los diversos productos incorrectamente clasificados como tales. En este C.O.R.E. Webinar Fabrizio Gagliardi, training
Webinar in italiano | Prodotti All-In-One e UNO Protect 11 March 2020La categoria di prodotti “one-step” o “all-in-one” è molto spesso fonte di confusione a causa dei diversi prodotti erroneamente categorizzati come tali. In questo C.O.R.E. Webinar, Fabrizio Gagliardi, Training Manager