RUPES introduces the Compound & Polish Sample Pack for D-A Polishers. This kit contains four 125ml bottles of RUPES most popular polishing
Tag: UNO Pure
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NEW COMPOUND & POLISH SAMPLE PACK 21 February 2022NEW RUPES D-A TRIAL KITS 9 April 2021RUPES is excited to announce the new TRIAL KITS, a new BigFoot D-A polishing experience. The RUPES Trial Kits are high-performance products…
International Webinar Series | The All-New BigFoot D-A Polishing System 1 June 2020Join RUPES for our INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR SERIES about the ALL-NEW RUPES BIGFOOT D-A POLISHING SYSTEM. 6 Webinars in 6 different languages simulcast LIVE on Zoom and Facebook. Join the RUPES
C.O.R.E. Series Webinar | El Nuevo Sistema de Pulido BigFoot Serie D-A 1 June 2020¡Más que un bonito emboltorio! Utilizamos los últimos avances en tecnología abrasiva, desarrollados, probados, refinados, mezclados y empacados 100% internamente por RUPES en Italia, nuestras nuevas fórmulas de compuesto y
C.O.R.E. Series Webinar | The All-New RUPES BigFoot D-A Polishing System 1 June 2020More than just pretty packaging! Using the latest breakthroughs in abrasive technology, developed, tested, refined, blended, and packaged 100% in-house by RUPES in Italy, our all-new compound and polish formulas
C.O.R.E. Series Webinar | Il nuovo Sistema di Lucidatura BigFoot Serie D-A 1 June 2020Venerdì 12 giugno alle 18:00 Grazie agli ultimi ritrovati nel campo della tecnologia abrasiva e dei nuovi materiali, RUPES ha sviluppato, testato, prodotto e confezionato nei propri stabilimenti in Italia
C.O.R.E. Series Webinar | Le tout nouveau système de polissage BigFoot D-A 1 June 2020Jeudi 11 Juin à 16:00 (heure française) Plus qu’un simple joli emballage! À l’aide des dernières percées dans la technologie d´abrasive, développées, testées, raffinées, mélangées et emballées à 100 %
NEW BIGFOOT PRODUCTS 2020 11 May 2020We are very excited to announce the release of the new BIGFOOT PRODUCTS 2020: D-A Polishing Foam Pads: D-A COARSE, D-A FINE, and D-A ULTRA-FINE D-A Polishing Compounds: D-A COARSE,