Rupes BigFoot Paint Correction Web App

RUPES is proud to announce the new BigFoot Paint Correction Web App. This innovative app is an amazing tool to assist in finding the best combination of RUPES tools, pads and compounds to achieve optimal result with the Rupes BigFoot Polishing System based on user-defined variables that include paint hardness and defect type.

This digital tool was created in response to frequently asked questions as to what the best combination of BigFoot products is to correct various paint defects. The intuitive design makes it easier than ever to define a recommended starting point in any surface correction procedure and while no app can provide a perfect answer to every situation the guidelines provided by the BigFoot Paint Correction Web App serve as an excellent starting reference for the highest probability for success.

The Web App is very intuitive and easy to use. If you are an Android user, you will find a link directly on the page. By clicking the link, the download will start automatically. IOS users, instead, will have to simply add the page to Home Screen by clicking on the share icon on the bottom of the page.

Moreover, also a printable application sheet of the Web App is available. In this case, after choosing the type of paint, the best possible combinations of tools, pads, and compounds are displayed in a printable table. On the vertical axis are indicated the different types of defects, while next to them we have the best combinations of consumables in relation to each BigFoot polishing tool.

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